Books Magazine

Review: White Space (Dark Passages #1) by Ilsa J. Bick

By Littlebookstar @LittleBookStar

18007632 Genre: YA Paranormal
Published: February 11, 2014 by Egmont USA
Series: #1 (Dark Passages)
Length: 560 pages
Source: Egmont USA (ARC)

Seventeen-year-old Emma Lindsay has problems: a head full of metal, no parents, a crazy artist for a guardian whom a stroke has turned into a vegetable, and all those times when she blinks away, dropping into other lives so ghostly and surreal it’s as if the story of her life bleeds into theirs. But one thing Emma has never doubted is that she’s real.

Then she writes “White Space,” a story about these kids stranded in a spooky house during a blizzard.

Unfortunately, “White Space” turns out to be a dead ringer for part of an unfinished novel by a long-dead writer. The manuscript, which she’s never seen, is a loopy Matrix meets Inkheart story in which characters fall out of different books and jump off the page. Thing is, when Emma blinks, she might be doing the same and, before long, she’s dropped into the very story she thought she’d written. Trapped in a weird, snow-choked valley, Emma meets other kids with dark secrets and strange abilities: Eric, Casey, Bode, Rima, and a very special little girl, Lizzie. What they discover is that they–and Emma–may be nothing more than characters written into being from an alternative universe for a very specific purpose.

Now what they must uncover is why they’ve been brought to this place–a world between the lines where parallel realities are created and destroyed and nightmares are written–before someone pens their end.


This was a pretty interesting book although I was often confused on what was happening. What made me read White Space is the unique plot which is the characters are able to go to different passages/stories. It is written in 3rd person and I’m glad it is because it gave that mystery vibe throughout the book. There are several point of views which sometimes I did not like because it just made the whole thing more confusing than it already was. At the same time, I thought it was cool because the point of view would switch, but it would land right where it left off. The main character in this book is Emma and seriously guys, I don’t even know her personality. Lol. She’s still a mystery to me. All I know is that she might or might not be a character in the book.

The story starts off very confusing. I actually had to read a review spoiler on Goodreads just so I can understand what was going on. Then, the story started to get really exciting and intense after the first two parts (the book’s divided into six parts). Unfortunately, it went down the hill for me after the 2nd half of part five. The whole story is still a blur to me. It wasn’t a horrible book, though. I thought it was okay and I am still going to read the rest of the books in this series. If you’re looking for a book that will make you ‘think’, or a book with a very complex plot, then I recommend this.

3 of 5

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