Food & Drink Magazine

Review: Walkers Bring It Back Flavours: Lamb & Mint and Toasted Cheese

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Review: Walkers Bring It Back Flavours: Lamb & Mint and Toasted Cheese
Carrying on from my previous post regarding the new Walkers Bring It Back flavours campaign, I also bought the Lamb & Mint and Toasted Cheese flavoured crisps to review. 
Review: Walkers Bring It Back Flavours: Lamb & Mint and Toasted Cheese
Walkers Toasted Cheese: According to the Walkers website this flavor was popular in the 1980's 'for a whole decade'. Initially I thought it seemed familiar to me but I think I must be remembering the more recent Walkers Cheesy Beans on Toast which is quite different. The flavor itself is very good, it has a mild cheddar type cheese flavor with a buttery edge which is free of any onion of chive influence. It's actually really nice to just have a plain cheese flavoured crisp. The 'toasted' part of the flavour, does not come through very strongly but it is present in the additional buttery flavor. I'm not sure if these are enough to win the overall Walkers campaign, but they're still a very tasty crisp nonetheless. 
Grocery Gems Review: Walkers Bring it Back - Toasted Cheese

RATING: 7 out of 10.

Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: 169 calories per pack.
Vegetarian: Suitable for vegetarians.
Purchased: Newsagent

Price: 2 packs for £1.00p (32.5g each).
Review: Walkers Bring It Back Flavours: Lamb & Mint and Toasted CheeseWalkers Lamb & Mint: I'm not a fan of lamb at all but these are the only flavor from this campaign that I actually remember from their first release. I know I've definitely had these before in the past (and not liked them). The flavor is how I remember it - it's just far too lamby and meaty for me. I think I would prefer these if the lamb flavor gave way to a minty finish, but unfortunately it's the other way around; an initial burst of mint and then a strong, gamey lamb flavor that is just unpleasant. This is obviously because I don't like lamb - my husband on the other hand thought the flavor was fine. Even if I don't like this flavour, the impressive thing about the Lamb & Mint is that it tastes exactly as it should from the name, which isn't the case with all the flavours in this range.Grocery Gems Review: Walkers Bring it Back - Lamb & Mint

RATING: 6 out of 10 (would be higher for any lamb fans).

Buy them again?: No.
Nutrition: 169 calories per pack.
Vegetarian: Suitable for vegetarians.
Purchased: Newsagent

Price: 2 packs for £1.00p (32.5g each).

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