Art & Design Magazine

Review: Stickerbomb XL

By Ukstreetart @ukstreetart

urban media sticker bomb xl buch 1510 zoom 0 Review: Stickerbomb XL

It’s always a pleasure to leaf through the Stickerbomb books and when I found out there was a new one, we made sure we grabbed a copy for review.

The latest from Laurence King and Studio Rarekwai is a larger format than it’s predecessors, hence the XL name. The book is stuffed with 160 commissioned stickers in color and black and white and it also includes 16 pages of die cut vinyl stickers too.

Stickers are a huge part of the ‘street art’ genre and this books includes works by Mr Penfold, Broken Fingaz, The Yok, Ronzo, Nylon and even a couple from our very own Matt Buchanan aka Deadcert Design.

I highly recommend this book, for sticker fans and it would make a great Christmas gift. Pick your copy of Stickerbomb XL up from for just over £13.

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612CIYaF4HL. SL1434  Review: Stickerbomb XL

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