Books Magazine

Review Slumps {Discuss #8}

By Littlebookstar @LittleBookStar


While there are reading slumps, there are the review slumps. What are review slumps? Well it’s when you’re not in the mood in writing a review and you keep putting it off. I’ve never had a review slump before; I had some lazy days, but I’ve never put off 3 reviews or more in a long period of time.

While I’m on Twitter, I see tweets from bloggers saying that they have 5 or 7 reviews to write and I’m like “oh no!”. So for those of you who had a review slump before, how did you get into it? For me, it’s really easy to write a review because once I finish a book, I immediately write my review and I’m almost always in the mood to write it. I also don’t have trouble writing a review for a book that I read a month or a year ago. I read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green last year and I still haven’t written a review on it, but I will someday. I still know the EXACT feels that I had for that book (I thought it was great but I didn’t love it).

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