Books Magazine

Review of the Year 2015

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Hey, I’m finally writing a post! I’ve just moved house (to my own home, how exciting!) and our internet isn’t up and running at the moment (which considering the masses of things that I have to do might actually be a good thing) so I’m writing this from my Dad’s house.

What with one thing and another my concentration has been pretty low this year, and it really has impacted on my reading. I’m finding I’m more likely to give up on books, and I’m taking longer to read the books I am sticking with. I certainly haven’t tackled many more difficult books over the last year.

Because of this I have decided just to do the one review of the year post this year, focusing on my favourites.

The Stats

Read: 40

Fiction: 31

Non-fiction: 9

Unfinished/abandoned: 3

Best fiction

Raven Girl- Audrey Niffenegger

Says something that my favorite book this year is a graphic novel. Wonderfully  strange and beautiful. I’ve seen the ballet too which I hope to review soon.

Best non-fiction

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?- Mindy Kaling

I love Mindy, and I loved her even more after reading this. Funny, thoughtful and light hearted. Probably actually my favorite read of the year overall. I’ve just read her latest too. Also really good but not as good as her first

Review of the Year 2015
Review of the Year 2015
Review of the Year 2015
Review of the Year 2015
Review of the Year 2015
Review of the Year 2015

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