I’ve only read two 5/5 fiction books this year, and to be completely honest I can’t say that either of them have had the literary merits of any of last year’s choices. Although I enjoyed them both, I’m not sure how much either of them stuck with me.
Anyway they were…
The Rosie Project is about a (probably) autistic professor trying to find a partner. He joins a dating site and writes a questionnaire to scientifically find his ‘perfect’ mate, but maybe love isn’t that simple.
Fangirl- Rainbow Rowell
Fangirl is about a girl, Cath. Cath is a twin, and a big fangirl (the type who hangs out on fansites and writes fanfiction) for a series of books. Cath and her sister Wren start university, and things go good for Wren, who is fairly outgoing, but not so great for shy Cath.
And my book of the year is…
Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl
It took me a long time to get on the Rainbow Rowell bandwagon (mainly because I have problems with bandwagons). Fangirl was the last one by her that I read, and I think her best. The main reason it is my read of the year however is because I felt a personal connection to Cath. If you are, or have been one of those types of fangirls you will probably like it. Rowell is very good at writing people though, so if you’re a character person too you will probably enjoy it.
(The above cover is the ‘collector’s edition’, I prefer the original I think)