Books Magazine

Review: Ember (Death Collectors #1) by Jessica Sorensen

By Littlebookstar @LittleBookStar

Ember (Death Collectors, #1)Genre: YA Paranormal
Published: August 29, 2012 by Borrowed Hearts Publishing
Series: #1 (Death Collectors)
Length: 330 Pages
Source: bought (at Barnes & Noble)

What if you knew when someone was going to die?

For seventeen-year-old Ember, life is death. With a simple touch, she knows when someone will die. It’s her curse and the reason she secludes herself from the world. The only person who knows her secret is her best friend Raven.

Then she meets Asher Morgan. He’s gorgeous, mysterious, and is the only person Ember can’t sense death from. So when he pushes into her life, she doesn’t mind.

But when unexplained deaths start to haunt her town, Ember starts questioning why she can’t sense Asher’s death and what he may be hiding.”

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I’m going to be straightforward in this review. It was an OKAY so-so read for me.  It really could’ve been better, and I’m a bit disappointed. Yes, the cover is wonderful, but the whole story… ehh.. The first half of the book was entertaining though. I enjoyed reading it, and was curious about the whole “reapers, angel of death, and grim angels”. But as the story progressed, I DID NOT UNDERSTAND what they were. There were a lot of times where the author tried to explain what they were, but I still didn’t get it! I needed background information, how they came into existence, and how the heck being a “grim angel” was in Ember’s bloodline.  There’s a bunch of stuff that was confusing, and the characters too needed some background information because they all supposedly popped up from New York. We all know that they didn’t because they’re all freaking grim reapers. Bottom line is, explanation lacked in this book.

Our main character here, Ember, can see people’s death – meaning how they’re going to die. She’s often sad, but that doesn’t mean she can’t fight back to those who bully her. She enjoys poetry, and keeps a journal full of poems she wrote. Ember’s the shy-type kind of girl, but when it comes to “physical” stuff, she wasn’t shy at all! That bugged me about her character. She didn’t even know Cameron and Asher! There was one part in the book where she even admitted that she didn’t know them that well. -___- She trusts easily even if she’s been told to NOT trust anyone.

Overall the book was pretty complicated for me, and the ending was waaaaaay predictable. I seriously knew the ending when I was reading the middle part of the book. The details being revealed in the ending didn’t even shocked me. I was just like “yeah, okay, uhuh” because I already knew them! I really wanted to like this book, trust me. But nope! Also, at times instead of us readers figuring out why that stuff happened, the author was FEEDING us. No bueno. Just read if you want to. This one lacked excitement for me.

2.5 of 5

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