I have been waiting so long to write this review, so I apologize for its lengthiness but its worth it!
I know so many people who SWEAR by these Clarisonic cleaners (Sephora, $125) but I was really skeptical at first for a variety of reasons. First, the price tag. Although $125 does seem a little crazy for some kind of skincare gadget, I realized that spending that much on something that you could essentially use for quite a few years isn't THAT bad. But the other thing that put me off was this so called "purging" phase the skin goes through. I already hate my skin the last thing I need is to make it worse on purpose.
But I gave in. I was getting hopeless and thought this could be a great thing for my skin if I let it do its job. Fast forward almost a year later and I can definitely say I am on the Clarisonic bandwagon.
I should probably say that I never really had terrible skin. I had the occasional breakout but I was suffering from dry patches across my face and even though I spent good money on my foundation and skincare products it was all a waste because my skin itself wasn't perfect! But this Clarisonic has really transformed my skin. I no longer suffer from my dry patches and although I still experience redness (I was never diagnosed with rosacea but it could be...who knows) my skin is no way irritated when I use this!
I went weeks before noticing a difference so you definitely cannot think you've wasted your money! I promise this is a good investment. Its not necessary to buy any other Clarisonic besides the Mia (unless you want to spend the money) and for someone with sensitive skin I am very happy with the sensitive brush head that comes with it. I didn't experience a "purge" so you can say I am quite a lucky gal! And once you use this you will never go back to washing your face any other way. This leaves your skin feeling super clean and you'll even notice how clean it looks after using it, it really gets down into the pores without causing irritation.
I only use this once a day, and I prefer at night before I go to bed. You do need to charge it every once in a while but it really isn't an issue considering you get plenty of life out of it. The only thing is to make sure you take the brush head off the actual Clarisonic so it can properly dry. After a few weeks it will become routine and you will be VERY glad you made this purchase.
So do you have a Clarisonic? Did it live up to the hype or no?