Genre: YA Paranormal
Published: January 21, 2013
Series: #1 (Immortal Eyes)
Length: 280 pages
Source: author (review copy)
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“Avery and her mother have always been on the run. After her mother is murdered by something supernatural, she is left to fend for herself, alone and filled with questions. She receives a note by a stranger, giving her the opportunity to get some answers, and Avery warily accepts. She would rather face the truth than continue to be on the run.
What she discovers is nothing like she could’ve imagined. The stranger’s name is Felix, and he’s part of a race of creatures called Lovac. He tells Avery that she is a Lovac, too, and that they’re the distant descendants of the ancient vampire Nosferatu, along with two other races—the Nesmyr and Zhulik.
However, the Lovac are doomed to insanity, and nearly all of them lose their minds in their early twenties. The only way to be saved from the curse is for a Lovac to find their Dimidium, the one creature that can calm the darkness.
Nightmarish visions, kidnappings, and a lifestyle she never knew existed consume Avery’s life as she begins the search for her Dimidium and to get revenge for her mother’s death.“

Vampire books are not really my favorite types of books to read, but this one was just awesome! Avenging Amethyst is about Avery and her mother always making a run from Lucas, a Zhulik, the oldest vampire and Avery’s father, until one day the mother dies. Now Avery plans on getting revenge on her father and to whoever killed her mother. At first I was kind of worried because at the beginning there was a bit info dumping. It wasn’t confusing though, it was just abrupt.
I really enjoyed reading this book! It was a fresh vampire read because I’ve never read a book that had different vampire races. In this book there are three races: a Zhulik, a Nesmyr, and Lovac. In Avery’s case, she’s a Lovac because she is a half Zhulik and half human. Zhuliks are kind of like the bad vampires, and the Nesmyrs are the good guys and has two different classes: an upper class and a lower class. Also, the characters were awesome especially Avery. She’s not one of those annoying protagonists, and she has a kick-ass personality going on. The romance was just fantastic and I love the twist on it! Yup, romance twist, go read this book now!
The only thing I did not like was how sometimes some of the character’s mood quickly changes. It wasn’t a smooth transition. A minute ago they’re happy then after about five seconds they’re raging with anger. There were also a few glitches (typos etc.) that could be fixed. Overall it was really an enjoyable and fast paced read with tons of action, a very interesting plot, and lots of blood. I recommend it to everyone and for those who are a fan of vampires.

She is a huge fan of vampires, and while they might be overdone, she will still continue to write about them and read any vampire book she can get her hands on.

Q: Describe your book in 3 words.
Hmmm…. Dark, Vampirey Awesomeness? (I really suck at describing things in 3 words.)
Q: How did you come up with the storyline?
The three different vampire “species” kind of came from Vampire Academy. I loved the idea of different kind of vampires so I made up my own.
Q: Do you have a favorite chapter in Avenging Amethyst?
I like the one where Avery gets to use her power for the first time and kicks everyone’s butt.
Q: Who is your favorite author and did that person inspire you in some way?
My favorite authors are actually adult romance writer’s (Lynsay Sands and Kresley Cole), which is strange since I read and write primarily Young Adult. I just love both of the world’s they’ve created in their paranormal books and someday I hope to be as successful as they are.
Q: Are you currently working on a new project? Perhaps the 2nd book in the Immortal Eyes series?
Yes! I wrote the first draft to a first book in another series before I started on the second in the Immortal Eyes. I’m currently halfway through the second in this series and am also working on another new project. So, I’ve got about 3 books planned for (hopefully) sometime this year.
I’ll definitely read the second book. Thank you so much for your time Kaitlyn!