So some of you have seen my tweets or FB posts on my Bible study and how it's been convicting me. I thought I would share some of the "Respectable Sins" the author of my study talks about. Some of them really made me think and have had me making some life changes for sure.
1. Anxiety, Frustration, and Discontentment

2. Pride and Selfishness

3. Impatience, Irritability, and Anger

4. Judgmentalism and Sins of the Tongue

5. Lack of Self Control, Envy, and Jealousy

So, which one are you guilty of? I'm definitely not liking the chapter on Sins of the Tongue (sarcasm) and Impatience is something I'm working on too. I love this study and the book is amazing. If you're interested, it's Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges