Resident Evil 3's scenario writer Yasuhisa Kawamura has said that he would "love to remake" the 1999 PS1 horror using today's technology, but doesn't believe Capcom would ever allow it.
"I could never turn down such an offer [to work with Capcom again]," Kawamura told Eurogamer in an article looking back over his career. "I am very fond of Biohazard [the Japanese title for Resident Evil].
"To be honest, I would love to remake Biohazard 3 with today's technology and skills," he continued. "However Capcom would never try that, and I am not that much of a valuable member to Capcom. The Biohazard series is created by Capcom's most elite members. It's hard to imagine myself fitting in with such a prestigious team. Even if I were to successfully work on a Biohazard 3 remake, there's already Operation Racoon City and The Umbrella Chronicles. I doubt I have any chance."
"Our project was at that time called Biohazard 1.5, because it was set between 1 and 2," he said. "Out of all of the current projects, Kamiya's Biohazard 3 was the major one and it was presumed that more time would be needed to complete it. Eventually, Biohazard 3 was renamed Biohazard 4 - intended for the PlayStation 2 - while our spin-off Biohazard 1.5 project effectively filled the gap as the new Biohazard 3. However, we did not get to lengthen our schedule."
Following his work on Resident Evil 3, Kawamura helped develop the cancelled version of Resident Evil 4 before leaving Capcom to work on a range of other titles, including El Shaddai and Rise of Nightmares.
Resident Evil, which originally launched on PS1 in 1996, was remade for GameCube six years later, with an HD remaster due to arrive on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC tomorrow.