Just like everything else, paving also tends to become dull and unattractive due to natural wear & tear, weathering, weeds and moulds. While brick and concrete lose their appeal due absorbing too much moisture which results in mold growth, natural stone options such as basalt and granite usually tend to suffer extreme weathering. Besides that, weeds are bound to grow irrespective of the type of paving
that has been laid. Although they can be eliminated temporarily using herbicides and boiling water, they start growing again when the effect of these solutions wear off. So what can be done to breathe life into old paving permanently? Fortunately, there is one trick that can provide you with long-lasting results.
First, you will have to purchase some powdered chlorine from any local hardware store. Buy a liter for every 25 square meter of the paved area. Keep the chlorine ready and make your paving area moist using a little bit of water. Avoid saturating the surface.
Before starting with the task, make sure you are wearing rubber gloves. Gently open the container of chlorine, fish out a handful from within it and sprinkle it evenly over the surface moistened earlier. Use a hose for spraying a thin mist of water.
After an hour or two, the chlorine granules will start to dissolve and your paving will emit the smell of a public swimming pool. Make use of your garden hose again to wash the entire area.
Now here’s what will happen when you apply this trick to your old paving area: the powdered chlorine, as soon as it dissolves in the water, will get absorbed by the pavers. This, in turn, will burn off moss and weeds besides killing the mold. In addition to that, the treatment will also impart a new-like appearance to the material.
In case the weed growth is too much, you may need to use a high-pressurised spray. Don’t worry about any grout getting washed off, you can easily sweep it back once the area has dried.
If your paving area continues to look mundane and unappealing even after using this method, maybe you need to replace it. Find a reputed and licensed firm providing paving contractor services in Perth and have a new driveway or patio area laid out. Not only will it allow you to have new paved area, but also improve the overall aesthetic appeal of your property.