Fashion Magazine

Remembering to Crown Ourselves

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley

Remembering to Crown Ourselves I have recently been revisiting the idea of Crowning Ourselvesthat I wrote about HERE.
Remembering to Crown Ourselves
And to be quite honestsometimes as much as I believe in the ideasome days are harder than others to truly want to Crown Myself.
Remembering to Crown Ourselves
but I also realizeit right in those junctureswhen we have self doubtor disappointment in ourselvesthat we need to dig deep downand remember our own inherent worthand Put On That Crownhead upand Carry On.
Remembering to Crown Ourselves
Most  of us  can feel goodon the really good days.
It's learning head upand  forward on the other days that is  so very important.
Because the better care we can take of our own selvesthe bigger the ripple effect will be on our world.
When we love and respect Ourselves

we can then love and respect othersso much easier and better.

So my message not only to youbut myself as wellis to remember to Crown Yourselfwith loving self talk and Self CareEveryday.
We all deserve to Wear Our CrownsEveryday.
Remembering to Crown Ourselves
Here is to a beautiful new Crown Wearing Week!
Remembering to Crown Ourselves
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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