The Hateful Eight is a movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, scheduled to be released to U.S. movie theaters this Christmas Day.
Tarantino, whose movies are saturated with guns and violence, is the foot-fetishist who participated in an anti-police march on October 24, where he called cops “murderers”. (See “Protesters flip off NYPD days after cop slay“)
Tarantino’s own father is speaking out, saying that many in their family are/were cops, including a cousin of Tarantino, Frank Gucciardi, who almost died in the line of duty in the Vietnam War protests at Columbia University in 1968.
Daily Mail says that the producer of The Hateful Eight, Harvey Weinstein, a Democrat — that’s another reason to boycott the movie! — is said to be absolutely furious at Tarantino for attending the anti-police rally and wants him to apologize because police groups have called for a boycott of the flick.
A source said, “Harvey is desperate to find a solution. He’s angry that Tarantino needlessly created a controversy that has nothing to do with the movie. It’s so pointless and unnecessary. And bad for business.”
The Hateful Eight is set to open on Christmas Day, just in time to qualify for the Academy Awards.
So, mark your December calendars to stay away from this turkey!