Since I opened my business in the summer of last year, I have had some amazing opportunities to work on different Room Installs and several Online Design Boards for clients. Since this is my first year of business, I have taken every opportunity I could to create a memorable space for each person I have worked with. Most of the time when you go into a person's home, you are working to create the best room for their likes and personalities and that has been my goal each and every time. Now, my newest clients goals and likes are pretty much the same as mine since she kinda gave birth to me and we kinda have the same taste in decorating. Recently, my husband had decided to offer up his painting services to my mom and dad who are in desperate need of having their home updated. My parents bought the house when I was 17 years old and still till this day, it has the same paint color that it did when they bought it. In the midst of having Dustin paint the house, they were also hoping that I would be interested in helping them decorate. Sort of a one room at a time thing. Their my mom and dad so of course I would be interested. Also, my mom is slightly biased and likes pretty much everything I do. As a kid I would say, "look mum, I made a mud pie cake." She would say, "that is the loveliest mud pie cake I've ever seen!" Even now, if I cook her dinner, she will say something like "Oh wow, what did you put on this chicken, it is so tasty?" Ummm, "Salt and Pepper mom." So as you can see, she is very easy to please and definitely my kind of client ;-) I went over to their house today and got started on some much needed wall fixin'. MUCH NEEDED I say!