Fashion Magazine

Red, White, and Black & Blue

By Catiebeatty @catiebeatty
flag, stars and stripes, fourth of july, seattle, oddfellowsThe Fourth of July is quite possibly my favorite holiday. Despite the amount of explosives involved, it's so relaxed; there are so few expectations. The only thing that can ruin it is clouds (which of course we have this year). Oh, and a sprained ankle. I twisted my left ankle for the 4th time this year, so the clouds aren't the biggest bummer. It's kind of nice that I'm not missing out on any awesome weather. That'll be back this weekend.
I spent the day, despite the injury, enjoying the company of my mom and niece. We spent some time in the garden, and then my mom made hot dogs with homemade buns and the prettiest potato salad I've ever seen. It was half way to Waldorf Salad, since she was low on potatoes. Apples add a nice crispness to a salad I usually find too mushy and heavy. The genius finishing touch, though? The delicate radish blossoms sprinkled on top.Red, White, and Black & BlueI'll have the recipe up soon! 
We've had our disagreements, but all in all I really love my country. It's offered me many opportunities and freedoms. There is still much room for improvement, but on this day, it's good to think about how far we've come and how much closer we are to equality for all. Tomorrow, we'll focus on how far we still have to go.
Now I'm off to comfort some frightened little dogs. Maybe a beer would help...

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