From Grimstad Norway's Nøgne Ø comes their "Red Horizon 3 Edition" the third beer brewed in a series using Sake yeast. The beer pours a cloudy brown colour with a very minimal head. The aroma consists of huge fruit notes up front including dark fruits and berries, toffee, brown sugar and alcohol. The flavour is of dark fruits, berries, brown sugar, toffee, treacle, licorice, vanilla, alcohol with lots of sweetness. The alcohol content comes in at 12.5% with an IBU of 100. This edition of Red Horizon is a Barley Wine and has amazing flavour and body. If you find a bottle make sure to pick it up. This beer was brewed on December 20, 2011 and consumed on June 20, 2016 or 4.5 years after brewing. The bottles best before date was December 20, 2016.
Commercial Description: What we have tried to do here is to get the optimum fruitiness out of a sake yeast. This beer was fermented for 10 weeks at low temperature with sake yeast No. 9 to achieve that.

About Mike
I am an avid outdoors man and hobby photographer who loves to spend as much time as possible exploring the beautiful backcountry of the Province of British Columbia and everywhere else! When not exploring nature though I am exploring Craft and Micro Brew beer locally and from around the world. If you love beer like I do please come on a journey for your taste buds. Who knows you just might find your next favorite beer!
This entry was posted in Barleywine Ale, Imperial and tagged alcohol, barley wine, barleywine, berries, brown sugar, dark fruits, grimstad, licorice, Nøgne Ø, norway, Red Horizon, Red Horizon 3 Edition, Sake yeast, sweet, sweetness, toffee, treacle, vanilla. Bookmark the permalink.