Theatre & Opera Magazine

Recital at La Scala, October 6, 2013

Posted on the 22 January 2012 by Irinastanescu
Almost 2 years from now. The recital (voice&piano) will take place at La Scala in 2013, as mentioned yesterday in this press release. Put it down in your agendas. And keep on eye on the official website for confirmation.
Future plans also include: Liceu Barcelona ("La Boheme"), Royal Opera House ("La Boheme" - spectacole aniversare, "La Rondine", "Adriana Lecouvreur"), La Scala ("La Boheme"), Vienna State Opera ("Tosca", "La Boheme" şi "La Traviata"), San Francisco Opera ("Tosca", "La Traviata" şi "La Boheme")

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