Books Magazine

Recently I Went into Morrisons Cafe for a Cuppa. A Couple...

By Ashleylister @ashleylister
     Recently I went into Morrisons cafe for a cuppa. A couple approached the next table ( the woman carrying a laden tray ) as she laid it down it hit the edge of the table sending one cup of coffee over. Coffee all over the tray and over the plastic covered sandwiches. The man said " Look what you've done, you stupid woman ! "- not in a jocular fashion , no ...he meant it !. By now she was flustered and I suggested that she ask an assistant for some help. So off she went. He sat down to drink the remaining cup of coffee... because of course it was ' her ' cup which had spilt.
      It made me think that " Something's changed " and I bet that early on in their relationship he was probably attentive, respectful, thoughtful...maybe even kind.
         Something's Changed
When first we met, you wooed me ardently.
Helped me on with my coat, held doors open.
You charmed my parents with your thoughtfulness,
Being friendly, attentive, respectful and kind.
       Something's changed
The years have not mellowed you I'm afraid.
Instead you are harsh, uncaring and sullen.
Friends no longer call to see us
As you are unwelcoming and distant.
      There maybe other changes
Further down the line you might need me even more
As your mind gets muddled and confused.
You won't know how to be grateful
You'll rely on me completely ...and I dread that !
       What changed us ?
Why can't you be kind to me now,
Not use harsh words, smile at me ?
Laugh at my mishaps..we could laugh together !
You loved me once, seems like a long time ago.
     Something's changed forever.
                          Kathleen Curtiss
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