If you read my post the other day or saw my Instagram, you know that it's been quite crazy around here. There has been so much going on that I've actually had to force myself to go to sleep at night because my mind is racing. Worrying about this or that or wanting to get everything done right away. My garage and house are full of boxes, bags, cardboard, and more. We are trying to find places for the things we have and having to purchase new things to fill the spaces where our other things can't fit.
We've painted walls, purchased rugs, and chosen color schemes. We haven't hung anything on the wall yet and we are still undecided on where we've placed some pieces, but it's slowly but surely becoming home. The kids are getting used to the new space and I'm realizing that this house needs a lot more tender loving care than our old one :) So now, my to-do list has almost doubled! A good doubled though so no complaints here.
I'll be sharing our story next week sometime, because quite frankly I am so exhausted that I don't have time to dive into it just yet! But since we've been dealing with a lot of crazy fun and not-so-fun things, here's what I've observed recently:
Moving sucks. It sucks even more when you have no one to help move things physically and no one to watch your kids so you can get it done. I had a few people offer but if you know me, you know I hate asking for help and want to think I have everything under control. Well apparently, I don't. And I didn't. And I should have just taken the dang help.
I also realized that people don't want to help you move. And then it makes you think about your friends from previous chapters in life and how they would have helped you by coming over with bottles of wine to do so. And then it makes you sad two fold because you miss those friends and because you don't have those types of relationships here. And maybe they will come, and maybe they won't.
That dealing with setting up utilities, security systems, cable, and internet are one of the most annoying things in the world. And even worse? When you can't get to a REAL person and want to punch the automated system lady through the phone.
That there should be one universal company for cable and internet that covers every dang place. Why has no one done this yet?
That hangers without the little slits on them are worthless. If I have to pick one more shirt off the floor because they fell off the hanger, I'm going to lose it.
I wish I would have been more prepared for the move. But everything happened so quickly that I just couldn't have been.
I plan to de-clutter BEFORE our next move. Not after. Lesson learned...
I'm just one person. In fact, I'm a person who doesn't handle stress or change very well. I absolutely LOVE our new house, but this whole mess and getting everything in it's place is making me a little crazy. So I apologize for the lack of substance around these parts recently... I promise to be back with the things you all love soon enough :)
And with that... I leave you this video. Because this is exactly what my life looks like all day. Except with two little (beautiful) gremlins. And trying to work from home in between all of it.
Boom. slam. nailed it.
Have a great weekend loves! xoxoo