Books Magazine

Reboot 28.0

By Ashleylister @ashleylister
 by Lisa,
 Don't forget to join us tonight for the first Dead Good Poets event of the New Year at the No. 5 Cafe, Cedar Square, Blackpool from 6:00pm. Tonight's theme is I Think, Therefore I Am.
Reboot 28.0.
Despite growing cynicism everywhere I turn, I get excited for New Year. I understand that resolution making appears to be falling out of favour but I love it!
There is a separation from the previous year that seems to take effect at midnight. It allows us to refresh, start again, turn over a new leaf. It's like a reboot for the soul and I think it's good to grab every opportunity to appreciate where you are and consider where you want to be.
Yes, I admit (almost shamefacedly) I am one of those people who wants to lose a few pounds this year. I want to be healthy and cut out processed food. I love cooking and I'm from a family of great cooks so I really want to knock my recent ready meal lazy habits on the head! Also a figure like Kelly Brook wouldn't go amiss!! I guess it's a resolution people are having more and more, not because society is becoming less inventive but because health awareness is so embedded in popular culture now. So I have my shopping list and recipe books at the ready...
I am reorganising my room as it's also my workspace/writing haven. It's currently a towering mass of folders, papers and textbooks which actually seem more daunting than the coursework I'm trying to complete! Obviously I claim once organised and straight it will remain this way for 2013, tidy house and tidy mind and all that jazz. We'll see...
This year I am going to write every day. The more I write, the easier and less daunting it's becoming. I don't know if I'll ever officially submit the book I've started, if I'll ever even let anyone read it but I'm writing it for me. If I can write a book that I am proud of then I'll be happy to know it exists, even if it's only on my little pink pen drive!
As for the rest, well I want an easy life. No trauma's, disasters or crazy stories, I have enough of those banked to last me a while. So I'm going to do everything I can just to be happy and healthy in 2013.
New Year.
Bell tolls,Bell chimes.Year wanes,Year begins.Like a ferry,Roll on,Roll off.Coal, salt and bread,Out of the back door And in through the front.Let it in.New leaf,Jump start.A blank pageAnd a new pen,Waiting to be used.Preface written,Page turned.A new chapter about to begin.

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