Fashion Magazine

Ready...Set...FASHION WEEK!

By Jennifer @jennynov23
Ready...Set...FASHION WEEK!
Its almost that time of year again...
Those fleeting few weeks when the fashionably dressed travel from city to city to take in the spectacle that is Fashion Week. Described quite controversially as the "Fashion Circus"  and recently having undergone some major changes in NYC; Fashion Week may prove to be very different this time around. 
Lets discuss. 
In case you missed it, Katy Perry stepped out on the Grammy Awards red carpet this past weekend wearing the above pictured Valentino gown. You may have noticed the beautiful detailing and the sweet musical note pattern which was definitely appropriate for a star who happened to be nominated for several awards. What you might not be aware of is that dress came straight off the runway, having only been introduced to the fashion world a few days earlier.  
Ohh to only be so famous (and thin) that couture dresses are plucked off the runway and sent to me for events. Of course I would love even more to be invited to sit front row at the shows and choose my Spring wardrobe straight from the runway. 
Reading all the reviews and taking in all the stunning collections of  Paris Couture week can only mean one thing. FASHION WEEK is about to be up and running in full force.
Ready...Set...FASHION WEEK!

If  you're a "Fashion Week" junkie like yours truly the next two months are going to be a whirl wind of traveling (if you're so lucky) sneaking in online streaming of shows when you're not supposed to (at work?) and catching up on what you missed via your favorite front row blogger or editor. 

Speaking of those infamous front row bloggers. Where were you back in December of last year when THIS announcement was made? Apparently the "Fashion Circus" wont be as rowdy this season after IMG's decision to make New York Fashion week more exclusive. Meaning bloggers could potentially loose their front row privileges. On the heels of that decision several big names in fashion decided to take their runway show out of the tents and into private showcase venues by invitation only (aka no "media pass" access ). Looking at this by the numbers, IMG plans to cut media guest lists by 20%, which mostly includes fashion bloggers. 

So what does this mean? 

As a blogger and a follower of several of the huge, more famous fashion bloggers around the world I am unable to choose a side in this debate. Sure I would love to be invited to fashion week in NYC or Milano. But what I would do with that opportunity differs vastly from what SEVERAL of the "famous" world-wide known bloggers do with their opportunity. I think a front row seat at Fashion Week in any city (that goes for Toronto  as well) means you are expected to provide some form of coverage of the event. 

What gets under my skin is seeing many bloggers sit front row and all they can muster up is a string of Instagram pics of their #OOTD and a blurry model coming down the runway. If you're sitting in the seat I was denied because my blog is not big enough or popular enough then for the love of god at least prove yourself to be worthy. 

That's my rant, and certainly I am not the only one who feels this way. Hence the IMG decision. But please don't forget there are are several bloggers who provide FANTASTIC coverage and are more than worthy of their seat. I'm thinking specifically of The Man Repeller, Leandra who provides her readers with in depth intelligent and not to mention hilarious reviews of! 

So would banning bloggers from Fashion Week entirely be fair? Yes and no. I'm not usually one the fence but with this one we will just have to see how NYC Fashion Week plays out. 

The fashion festivities kickoff next week, and just in case you haven't already gotten your agenda's  marked up, here is your fashion week calender to live by for the next two months

New York February 6- 13

London February 14-18

Milan February 18-23
Paris February 25- March 3
Toronto March 17-21 (Where Nothing 2 Wear will once again be providing fantastic coverage of all events)

I'd love to know, where do you stand on the blogger vs no blogger debate? Also, will you be attending fashion week in person of via your trusty laptop and the many live streams? 

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