Books Reviewed in May:
I posted my review of Snatch Girl by LJ Kane. There were things I liked and some things I didn't. This book was a part of my #IndieBookGoal2018 pledge.
Books Read in May:
I started Spark of Fire by Grace Anthony in May. I'm not quite halfway through with this YA Fantasy read yet, but so far it has a solid plot.
Books to read in June:
I plan to take a break from the Indie Book List this month. I purchased Jennifer Armentrout's Moonlight Sins last month and I'm excited to start that.
I'm still working my way through editing Unraveling in the Night (Book 2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles). I've also been tinkering with a few other WIP's. I have a (non-superatural) psychlogical thriller that's been playing at the back of my mind for some time. With all the other things I'm working on it will probably be some time before that one sees it's way to publication, but it was fun to work on for a bit.
May was another slow month for blogging. I'm still trying to get back into my groove.
My Favorite Blog Posts in May:
Favorite Post Written: I feel like such a bad blogger this month because I didn't really write anything blog-wise. I had my standard Book reviews, Monthly re-cap, and my made up word of the month, but that's it. Sorry guys.
Favorite Post Read: Okay, so along with being a bad blogger last month I didn't really read much blog-wise either... Honestly, my internet time was consumed by the #SaveLucifer movement. If you follow me on twitter @LaurynApril you probably already know this. I LOVE that tv show and was literally devastated when it was canceled by Fox. But, I'm not giving up hope yet. Someone needs to pick it up.
We finally got some sunshine here in Wisco and I've been soaking up every minute of it. My husband and I have gotten the boat out and we've also been working on some gardening projects.