Local high school football is back in action with the start of the new school year. In small rural Pennsylvania towns this is almost like a community event on the night of home games. People you don’t see very often during the rest of the year regularly show up for the games. And it is a generational sport. Many of the players are the children of people I went to school with. It gives our town a reason to come together and enjoy spending time at a social event.
The other big event of the fall is Carl (of Stainless Steel Droppings fame)’s annual hosting of the R.I.P. challenges from September 1 through October 31! Congratulations for hosting this for the ninth year in a row. What is the challenge? A reading and viewing event for all things that fall in the following categories: mystery, suspense, thrillers, dark fantasy, gothic tales, horror, supernatural or others with the same moody atmosphere.
This year I am planning on participating in the following Perils:
Peril the Second: read two books
Peril of the Short Story: I am thinking about reading one of Isaac Asimov’s “Black Widowers” collections.
Peril of the Screen: I am starting with an episode of Doctor Who with other shows to follow.
I also plan on reviewing some graphic novels/collections that fit the guidelines.