Is God First In Your Life?
God makes it very clear in our reading passage today that He will not tolerate us have any other gods before Him. I know right off back, we may reply, oh, I only serve God almighty. But I would like to encourage you to examine your life. Is it really God that we have as first in our lives. There are telltale signs. 1) The way we treat others show whether we love God or not. For its impossible to say we love God whom we have never seen and then mistreat the people right in front of us (1 John 4:20 ). Secondly, who or what do you spend most of your free time with (outside of work and family time)? Is it your computer, the facebook, your music, etc.? Now don't get me wrong, God wants us to work on and sharpen our skills, but not at the expense of our relationship with Him and our love ones. If your schedule is so busy that you can't read your word daily, and don't spend one on one time with God daily, then you are too busy and are on the devil's plan, and not God's.........GOD's PRIORITY & BALANCE IS THE KEY! I pray now that God will show us the areas of our lives that we need to clean up and that we will submit to the Holy Spirit's teaching on how to keep God and His ways first in our lives!
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BIBLE READING for February 3, 2014
Exodus 17:8-19:15, Matthew 22:34-23:12
Psalm 27:7-14, and Proverbs 6:27-35