When art and kids collide, you can expect a truly enriching experience. It’s simply marvelous how our children channel their boundless energy and creativity towards making pieces of art. For us moms, it’s invigorating how art detaches our kids from their gadgets and electronic doodads. We can skip the latte and a trip to the spa, because seeing our kids making good use of their free time is just as relaxing for us.
For this, we have Cyndi Chan to thank. She is a mom extraordinaire who has been regularly holding off-campus art classes to elementary students of the International School Manila (ISM). She teaches them the rudiments of art and literally gets down and dirty when doing art activities with the kids.All that fun culminates in an art exhibit entitled Raw Talents: 30 Children Art Show. The exhibit which will be held on June 4th & 5th, 1-5pm at the Pineapple Lab in Rockwell, Makati showcases various artwork crafted by the kids in Cyndi’s classes.As a way of giving back to the community, they will donate these art pieces to the Philippine General Hospital (PGH). This endeavour aims to make the expat community in Manila aware of what the PGH does to help bring healthcare to Filipino children in need.Here’s a map to the venue:Leave a comment below if you’re interested in going.