The Raspberry Pi has been listed as one of the top 100 technologies being used for social good.
The Nominet Trust 100 aims to identify and highlight technologies which are being put to use to deal with issues such as poverty, human rights abuses, education and healthcare.
The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer initially designed for the education market after the company founders realised how dramatically applications to read computer science at Cambridge University had dropped. But as well as educational institutions, the Raspberry Pi has also inspired hackers and hobbyists to explore the unit’s potential.
As Nominet puts it, “Raspberry Pi is many innovations in one. Not only is it opening up basic programming to a new generation as well as providing an ultra low cost computer in the developing world, it’s also proof that often the best ideas come from looking backwards, to recuperate ideas that have been discarded.”
The Trust also mentions one of the projects involving the Pi — that of Will Goldie who raised funds to equip a computer lab for a girls’ school in Afghanistan, the centrepiece of which is the Pi because of its affordability and low power consumption.
“Digital technology has already transformed how we communicate, how we work, how we buy and sell,” said Nominet’s CEO, Annika Small. “But we are only just beginning to scratch the surface of ways that technology can be used to transform how we address complex social challenges from health and education to poverty and climate change.”
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