I was tagged for the Rapid Fire Book Tag by Amy @ Tomes with Tea, I highly recommend giving her blog a look
1. eBook or physical books?
Physical books are just about the whole experience. The feel of a book in your hands, the smell, the snuggle-ability. I tend to read ebooks when travelling, because of bag space, but I miss the ‘real’ books at the time
2. Paperback or hardback?
Paperback. I get annoyed by dust covers on hardbacks, and the weight can be annoying, I only tend to buy them if I can’t wait for the paperback.
3. Online or in-store book shopping?
In-store, that’s why I tend to not buy things from my wishlist, because I go into a shop to browse and come out with books I’ve never seen before. I love just looking at all the books, reading the blurbs, looking at the covers and feeling the books. I have to be strict though so I don’t buy everything I see!
4. Trilogies or series?
I tend to read more stand-alone books. I’m not sure I can answer this one actually because it really depends on the books and what is going to happen.
5. Heroes or villains?
Villains tend to be more interesting to read about. That’s why Chamber and Half-blood Prince are my favorite Potter books, the Voldy back story.
6. A book you want everyone to read?
‘Yes Means Yes’ which is about rape culture and consent. I just think it’s really important. I have a review here and several other related posts
7. Recommend an underrated book?
It’s been a while since I’ve pimped these but Scott Stabile’s ‘Brooklyn Bites’ series. They’re short stories which are built around food, the descriptions especially are really amazing. Reviews here, here, and here
8. The last book you finished?
‘War’ by Roald Dahl. My first adult Dahl
9. The last book you bought?
I think when I bought ‘Autumn’ for book club, and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ just because.
Oh no, I bought ‘The Book of Dust’ after that…does that mean I buy too many books because I forgot about a trip to the book shop?
10. Weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Err…another book?
11. Used books: yes or no?
I tend to buy new, but I’m happy enough with used books so long as they aren’t a complete mess.
12. Three favorite genres?
Contemporary. Historical. Feminist.
13. Borrow or buy?
I really should borrow more, but part of the joy of books is the beauty of a full bookcase
14. Characters or plot?
Plot I guess, although some characters can ruin a plot. I don’t mind unlikeable character so long as they aren’t annoying (Bella Swan for example is just the most annoying and unlikeable character…but then I’m not a Twilight fan)
15. Long or short books?
Depends. Sometimes short books are too short, but if done well they can be beautiful, whereas sometimes a long book can be a bit of a mission. I guess it’s the quality of the story and writing which really matters.
16. Long or short chapters?
Again probably depends on the book, but in general short because it makes it easier to stop if you need to,
17. Name the first 3 books you think of.
His Dark Materials. Harry Potter. Life After Life
18. Books that made you laugh or cry?
Laugh –Let’s Pretend this Never Happened. How To Be a Woman. Texts From Jane Eyre
Cry – Harry Potter- especially Deathly Hallows. The Time Traveller’s Wife. The Book Thief. Still Alice.
19. Our world or fictional worlds?
Fictional. It’s a real escape, and if one is too much you can just go to another. Plus there’s enough rubbish in this world that escapism is sometimes necessary.
20. Audiobooks; yes or no?
No, I find I can’t concentrate on them, although I was considering listening whilst doing house work.
21. Do you ever judge a book by it’s cover?
Yes and no. You can usually broadly tell what type of book a book is from the cover, so I do that far, but it’s the blurb which really makes me decide
22. Book to movie or TV adaptations?
Probably TV because less tends to be cut, but I don’t really have a preference.
23. Movie/TV show you preferred to its book?
Lord of the Rings. I’ve never managed to finish the book, but I love the films.
24. Series or standalone’s?
I tend to read stand alones, but some of my favorite books are series. Harry Potter. His Dark Materials. The Thursday Next books. I suppose like Amy I think it depends on the book.
I tag Holly @ Nut Free Nerd and Feminism in Cold Storage if they fancy it, and anyone else who would like to do it