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By Mikanyukihara @yukiharamikan

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I am remarkably lazy these pass few days.  I've just realize something regarding with my posts lately. And considerably, I do have a lot of posts about Foods and Eating.I am intended to publish  review posts correlated with  skincare. But I don't know why I feel more excited and in high spirit whenever I am sharing and showing my photos from my Korean  restaurant and cafe experiences. I am always delighted, inspired and scintillated to draft posts in my "Just About Eating" category. Furthermore, I do have A LOT,LOT and LOTS of Korean restaurant and cafe experiences as well as a few Japanese food experiences. As a consequence, I am going to share ALL of these things to you. guys. Isn't nice? Haha. Anyways, back to my skincare reviews I will still and I WILL BE publishing my Korean and Japanese skincare/cosmetic product experiences anytime soon.  Why am I writing this today? I just feel so worried that you (guys/readers) might lost interest in my blog since I have only few skincare reviews. And before I forgot, I will be publishing also my trip to Korea. I have not yet rest assured if how many parts  but I am already done with Parts 1 and 2 in my drafts. Thank you for spending your time reading on this. I hope you'll understand me.   Random PostsXOXO,Mikan~Random Posts

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