Entertainment Magazine

Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14

Posted on the 29 March 2014 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton

                                                  OK bands you know the score.....
the more hits your blog gets by the fans..... 
the higher you go.....So Tweet it, Facebook it.....and generally expose yourself.....Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14Now Mr Snuggles and me have been sitting with our heads down counting the hits on each bands blog to see who's got which place.  
So here it is.....The Top Ten Blogged Band Chart .....

No 1.....Fatherson
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14

Third of the Scottish bands featured this week (Tijuana Bibles on Monday and Laykiller Caterpillar on Tuesday - do pay attention) is the increasingly impressive Fatherson. With the long awaited, much vaunted album about to be released (7th April) they're embarking on a UK album release tour and only this morning have released a video for one of the new tracks - 'I Like Not Knowing'. The good news for me is I've had a listen to the album on the QT and I can assure you the hype is not without merit - the bad news for you is, the wait 'til April 7th!
No 2.....Silver Coast 
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14Ralph's attention's been draw 'Up North' with Inverness band Silver Coast releasing a new single 'Believe' on March 3rd. Formed at the end of 2012 and gigging relentlessly ever since (including supports with Fatherson and King Charles) they've amassed a large and faithful following locally. 

No 3.....Hector BizerkRalph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14It's just over a year since Ralph did a fascinating Q & A with Louie of Hector Bizerk and a lot's happened in the interim including Audrey being nominated in Hit Like A Girl, winning Best Hip Hop in the Scottish Alternative Music Awards and jetting off to debut in New York!

No 4.....Moscow

Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14Stoke band Moscow return with their second release, the Pack Animals EP. Following on from 2013’s well-received Hell Fire EP, Pack Animals maintains the same gritty, post-punk direction but this time mixing it with a heavier, raucous edge and with lead track 'Pack Animals' weighs in as a heavier version of Killing JokeNo 5.....Watchtower
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14
No Ralph's not joined the Jehovah's Witnesses and distributing their magazine Watchtower...but he is spreading the gospel of Liverpool band Watchtower who are planning on 2014 being their year following on from a successful 2013 gig-wise and the recent release of their single 'Under Your Thumb'.
No 6..... Scott Lloyd
The latest sounds gracing Ralph's kennel are some lo-fi tunes courtesy of Middlesborough born Scott Lloyd whose new EP The Northern Gate is due for release on March 10th. Now living in Manchester, Scott's laid back alternative country/folk feel is expressed in five well composed, mainly reflective tunes, delivered with a Jackson Browne or James Taylor vibe but with a modern twist and a northern accent. No 7.....Tijuana Bibles
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14Ralph's always got his ear to the ground for new music as that's the best place to find some down and dirty tunes so finding Glasgow band Tijuana Bibles on Twitter was a result as they fit the bill nicely. Having played their track 'Wild River' on the Radio KC Indie Show recently I'm pleased to be able to announce the release of 'Toledo' this month and it ticks the aforementioned down and dirty boxes nicely as its thumping bass and grinding guitar batters in to a raucous vocal. 
No 8....Jonny Andrew
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14Jonny Andrew has embarked on a solo career with no small amount of initial success. He's been performing in America, Canada, Germany (where he played for the British Forces) and of course the UK and is currently working with artists in Miami and Memphis whilst also working on his debut solo album which is due for release in a couple of months time. If that's not enough, he's spending his spare time shooting the music video for his upcoming debut solo single.
No 9....Ladykiller Caterpillar

Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 29.3.14

Photo by [email protected]

Formed in 2013 from various Scottish bands, Ladykiller Caterpillar have just released an eponymous EP which should see them take their place at the forefront of the burgeoning Scottish Indie scene. Jacob and Neil (bass and guitar) played in several bands together, mainly in Edinburgh. Jani (guitar) from Troon is also veteran of the Edinburgh scene with Raymond (drums) having started in Dundee then playing in many well known venues.
No 10.....Sisteray
SISTERAY - She Likes The Drama (out 17/02/2014)
Ralph checked out London band Sisteray back in August last year when they released the single 'Take It Away. Since then they've been gigging relentlessly and have also got a new EP 'She Likes The Drama' coming out on 17th February 2014.

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