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Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 26.7.14

Posted on the 26 July 2014 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton
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                                                    OK bands you know the score.....
the more hits your blog gets by the fans..... 
the higher you go.....So Tweet it, Facebook it.....and generally expose yourself.....Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 26.7.14Now Mr Snuggles and me have been sitting with our heads down counting the hits on each bands blog to see who's got which place.  
So here it is.....The Top Ten Blogged Band Chart .....
No 1.....Wullae WrightRalph's previously blogged Wullae Wright and it's proved to be the most well read of any over the last couple of years. Needless to say it was good news when Wullae Wright got in touch to say he was releasing 'Superhero' as a single. The story of the song is no less poignant than Wullae Wright's plaintive vocal which, overlaid on subtle acoustic guitar with an orchestral background is just as heart wrenching as the single's message. 

No 2.....The Holy Orders

It's almost exactly a year since Ralph first checked out Hull band The Holy Orders and the good news is that The Holy Orders announce the release of their brand new single, the 3 minute feel good 3 minute summer pop song: The New Asbestos on August 4th.  Well, it's a cynical, pessimistic, feel good summer pop song but anyone who is already familiar with last year’s debut album For the Ears of Dogs to Come from Ralph's blog, will expect nothing less.

No 3.....The Low Countries
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 26.7.14Back in October of last year it was with a heavy heart that Ralph reported on The Invisible Ray, an album that was to be the swansong of The Low Countries (mainly comprised of Nigel Parrington and Els D'hooge). Ralph had a chat with Nigel at the time and he reported that he felt 'all songed out'.

No 4.....Millie Manders
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 26.7.14Having met the effervescent Millie Manders at the Ralph's Life All Day Charity gig in Proud Camden it seemed like the release of 'Little Big Mouth' was as good a time as any to ask a few questions and see how and why her music matches her outgoing personality.
No 5...Sonic Hearts Foundation

Sonic Hearts Foundation - 'Afterlife'
Seeing as Ralph's heading on a road trip home soon, it's about time a few Scottish bands were featured. The first being Sonic Hearts Foundation from Glasgow, who Ralph gave a spin on last Sunday's Indie Show on Radio KC. They're releasing a new Single 'Afterlife' on August 11th and it's a follow up to their critically acclaimed 'Into Forever' EP.

No 6....Jane Allison
newfrontsmallIt's no secret Ralph's a fan of crowdfunding and when he heard that Welsh singer songwriter and actress Jane Allison Stanness would be releasing her debut solo Americana album “Just Another Girl” under the name Jane Allison using Kickstarter it was time to investigate.

No 7....Sisteray
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 26.7.14Sisteray have been making big waves in the indie/garage rock scene since forming in 2012 however 2014 seems to be a breakthrough year for the London four-piece.  
Working with producer Michael Smith (12 Dirty Bullets) at RnR Studios, the Sisteray debut EP ‘She Likes The Drama’ was released on digital format back in February, with praise from RalphJim GellatlyThis FeelingMusic WeekXFMRTE RadioLouder Than WarMerc ClothingTime Out and The Londonist
No 8.....The Bordelloswill.i.am, you're really nothing cover art
The Bordellos are the kind of quirky, lower than lo-fi band that John Peel would have featured and their current offerings, like the sultry 'Between Forget and Neglect' (think Morrissey on Prozac) leading in to the subtly funky 'Elastic Band Man' would probably have seen them playlisted on a regular basis.

No 9.....The Bedroom Hour
Ralph doesn't usually put blogs out on a Friday, what with the weekend being sacred and all, however when he heard that The Bedroom Hour were releasing their new album Hinterland on the 11th of July he made an exception and wound up the turntable.
There's a couple of old favourites on there in Nocturnal and Heart Will Haunt, but it's the new material that intrigues.
No 10.....Snippet
The Sunshine EPSnippet aka Johnno Casson is the quintessential English musician.  Prolific, diverse, entertaining, clever, wistful and whimsical (no more so on his previously released mini-album 'DIY' and the track 'Let's Talk About Us' on which he comments on his winkle (and he isn't introducing us to his pet mollusc Bria

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