Entertainment Magazine

Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16

Posted on the 19 November 2016 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton
OK bands you know the score .....the more hits your blog gets by the fans ..... 
the higher you go .....So Tweet it, Facebook it .....Generally expose yourself .....
ralphslife.co.uk                                         Click here for the Ralph's Life website
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16Now Mr Snuggles and I have been sitting with our heads down counting the hits on each blog to see which band's got what place.
Tracks from the Top Ten Blogged Bands are played 
every Sunday 5-7pm on Radio KC as part of 
Ralph's Indie Show.
No 1: Elephant Memoirs
Displaying BJE EP Front Cover New.jpg
Elephant Memoirs are a three piece from Gateshead who formed in late 2013 and comprises of John Aspinall (Guitar & Vocals), Barry Drew (Drums) and Carl Aspinall (Bass).
Their new EP Broken Jagged Edges released on the 14/10/16, succeeds in amplifying the band's raw sound of..."a driving powerful rhythm section, with aggressive guitar and bold vocal melodies". 
No 2: The Magic Es
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16

Since forming in 2014,The Magic Eshave been busy. All lifelong musicians with world tours, top 40 singles and a wealth of musical experience under their belts.
The boys came together after a chance meeting at a wedding led to them finding common ground in the simple pleasures of classic records and high-energy rock n’ roll.
No 3: The Mono LPs
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16One of Ralph's; and of course Liverpool's, favorite bands is The Mono LPs so it was with no little joy to see that they'd released L.O.V.E & H.A.T.E. from their State Of Decay (3rd November launch gig in the Buyers Club) album. 
It's a gorgeously riff-laden rock track overlaid with orchestral cello and a raunchy vocal. Scissor Sisters meets ELO is as close as I can come by way of comparison, although to be fair The Mono LPs are most definitely one of a kind.
No 4:Artbreak
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16Artbreak write and record their music, create their videos and draw up their artwork from their South London base in Brixton.
All their music is available on Spotify and free to download on Soundcloud

The band, who don't believe in LPs or EPs, release a single every few weeks with five available so far and the latest being Polaroids In Paris
No 5: HAWK
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16
One band currently soaring right now are HAWK (see what I did there) who are currently based in Berlin with a view to boosting their profile whilst returning regularly to the UK for live performances.
The self-styled Alt Noir, Anglo Irish combo release their new single Mirror Maze on November 4th which precedes the She Knows EP due for a March 2017 arrival via Veta Records
No 6: For The Girl

For The GirlFor The Girl are an energetic Indie Pop Rock quintet from Nottingham who bring their own pack of playing cards to the table. With an eclectic amalgamation of five different genres, the ‘band that should clash’ bring a well-received style of music wherever they play that you can’t help but get into. 
No 7: The Grey Merchant
Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16Cork based recording collaborative, The Grey Merchant, today announce details of a debut single release, Spotless (The Protecting Veil), which was released last week.The Grey Merchant is the collaborative recording project of Cork based Indie trio Neon Atlas’ bassist Enda O’Flaherty and a collection of friends and fellow musicians. Drawing comparisons with classic noise and stoner rock, influences like the late lamented Slo BurnUnidaKyuss and Fu Manchu can certainly be heard.
No 8: Akiva

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Akivaare a Bedfordshire based band made up of brothers and school mates, who for twenty-five years have been bonded by a shared love of Stonesy guitar licks, rolling basslines, Newsnight, Krautrock, Manchester bands, political economy, shuffling, snappy drum beats, analog synths, The Who and BBC Radio 4.
No 9: One Day Elliott

Ralph's Top 10 Blogged Band Chart - 19.11.16One Day Elliottare a melodic rock band from Kent in England’s south east who draw from a broad repertoire of influences. The One Day Elliott soundscape is best described as a collection of massive, poppy choruses, enriched with thick vocal harmonies, mixed with a diverse blend of guitar-based genres; incorporating elements of classic rock, metal, punk and anything else to which they may be listening at the time.
No 10: Fingertrap
Cardiff 4-pieceFingertraprelease Body Popping, their first single for Wise Dog Records, on 28th October 2016

With energy and indie pop sass to rival The Hives and The Fratellis, the last 18 months have seen them play raucous shows around the UK, with numerous festival appearances including Frankfurt Musikmesse and The Montreux Jazz Festival, and win two Europe-wide competitions for their live performances run by industry giants Casio and Shure

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