He even tries to watch baseball games on TV. This usually happens when I leave the room. I'm not exactly sure how he does it but, for some reason, he can ALWAYS find a baseball game once he gets his grubby little hands on the remote.
He's even been to an Orioles game, and I'm pretty sure that's where it all started.Even with his love of baseball, we make sure we expose him all types of sports. He's already been to Lacrosse and football games too. So last Sunday, M got to see his first ever hockey game, GO CAPS!. He had a um, so-so time. Why? As much as he loves to watch sports, he hates the noise. Which to me is a little, you know, pot calling the kettle blackish, seeing as though he is the Chief Noise Development Coordinator of our little home. I was hoping he grew out of it, but, wishful thinking kinda gets you nowhere. So, without any earplugs, the little sat around looking like he just had oral surgery.J-dilla, on the other hand, was happy as a clam. He was clapping and cheering along with the crowd, and pretty much did not stop moving the entire time. Luckily we were in a sky box so it was the perfect place for the boys. What sporting events have you taken your kids to and how did it go?For more wordless/wordful Wednesday, visit our hosts at Parenting by Dummies and Seven Clown Circus.