Dr. Ravi Zacharias at CCF
Last weekend, the Philippines in general and my main church in particular was blessed to host one of today’s greatest men of God, world renowned speaker and author Dr. Ravi Zacharias. He and his team were in Manila to give an amazing conference called Unshakable: Standing Firm in Changing Times last Saturday; and the next day, he gave the Sunday message for everyone in the congregation, titled Raised To Run.Because technology is awesome (and so are the wonderful people at CCF), the Sunday message was shown simultaneously via Livestream to the CCF churches all over the Philippines, and that includes where my family and I worship, CCF Cagayan de Oro (though my lucky eldest daughter was able to see him live as she’s there for a youth leadership conference).
This blog entry has the pleasure of featuring Raised To Run – by Dr. Ravi Zacharias in CCF Manila. All you need to do is click on the video below.
Francis Kong, probably this country’s most sought-after motivational speaker, said in his Facebook account that “listening to him speak is a privilege.” He also said the following in a live event of his that I attended: “I speak all over the world to presidents of companies; Ravi Zacharias speaks all over the world to presidents of nations.”
Among today's greatest Christian apologists, he was even called by some as "The C.S. Lewis of our time." So who is Dr. Ravi Zacharias? (sourced from www.rzim.org, look at his complete biography here)

He has authored and edited over twenty books, which include:
- The Real Face of Atheism
- Can Man Live Without God?
- Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message (there's a youth version, too)
- The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through The Events Of Our Lives
- The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists
- Has Christianity Failed You?

So, yeah, it’s a privilege to hear him speak, all right…and at CCF no less. Without further ado, below is Raised To Run. A few disclaimers, though:
- He’s not a motivational speaker. He’s not by any means a bad communicator, but if you’re looking for Francis Kong-like humor and dynamism, he’s not your guy. While Francis Kong’s material is light, Dr. Ravi’s is pretty heavy and you’ll have to listen pretty intently to catch everything.
- This is a message for regular Sunday goers, and is therefore designed for said audience. If you’re looking to be mind-blown by his trademark super-deep reasons on why Christianity is impossible to intellectually refute, you need to buy his books for that…or you should’ve attended Unshakable, which I heard was pretty amazing.
- But hey, this Sunday message is fantastic on content and will bless you to the core. I should know, as I was blessed…and after the message, my Facebook timeline was flooded with pics and quotes from his message. It’s a privilege to hear him speak, indeed.
- Don’t think that I’m elevating him to deity status, okay? Only Christ deserves our adoration and praise. He just uses some people pretty darn powerfully to bless and equip others, therefore more people need to hear/see them (another world renowned speaker, Life Without Limbs founder Nick Vujicic spoke in CCF last year) …and so the reason for this blog post
If I didn’t make it very clear earlier, I strongly recommend checking out his books. I hope you were blessed by Dr. Ravi Zacharias’ message.
(This blog site, Lessons Of A Dad is mostly about parenting, marriage, and other topics aimed to develop the reader’s mind, body, and soul. I’d consider it an honor if you’d follow or subscribe to this site. You can also go to my Facebook page here, and I’m also on Twitter at @lessonsofadad)