Sports Magazine

Rafa Nadal Will Rock You Like a Hurricane.

By Jhop

In case you are stuck inside this weekend, bored while that bitch Irene stops by, I just thought that I would share these photographs of Rafael Nadal:  Rafa Nadal Will Rock You Like a Hurricane.
I am almost certain that these pictures alone will calm storm-ravished waters, repel hurricane-force winds, and bring about world peace. You are welcome. 
Rafa Nadal Will Rock You Like a Hurricane.
Sweet Jesus, he is so pretty.  In their epic battle for greatness, I also feel like this is purposely a big fuck-you to Roger Federer, who I now implore to get semi-naked for, I don't know, Gucci or Calvin Klein.  It is the only way to compete, Rog.  So do it for your country. Or ours, whatever.  Save us from this pending natural disaster.  It's just the right thing to do.
Stay safe this weekend, everyone. And don't get lost in the storm. Or Rafa's abs. 

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