Finance Magazine


By Sue15cat
Radishes   The tub that contained the potatoes that were doomed from the start, chickens dust-bathing a certain little doggie ...   Radishes   ...mentioning no names   .... burying half eaten rabbits and bones at every opportunity, was then planted up with a whole packet of Radish seeds.  It was a well out of date packet and I thought only half of them would come up, but it's sods law and they virtually ALL did!!  We ate some of the young thinnings in our salads to make room for the rest to grow, but now all the others are ready to be picked at the same time.   I picked the bunch in the photo above, to go in a salad the other day and now I need to lift the rest as I spotted that the leaves are covered in caterpillars .... which will make a tasty snack for the chickens when I pull them up.   pickled radishes by larderlove   I wondered what I would do with all those Radishes, there really are only so many you want in a salad and then I came across this on fellow Blogger Karon's Facebook page.  A link to a recipe on her Larder Love blog.   How timely was that then, guess what I'm making tomorrow :-)   Sue xx      

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