Food & Drink Magazine

Radish + Red Quinoa Potato Salad with Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette and Homemade Croutons /// Hungry + Hurry + Healthy ///

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet

Radish + Red Quinoa Potato Salad with Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette and Homemade Croutons /// Hungry + Hurry + Healthy ///

Hey, How are you?! We've been having a lot of weather changes, kind of a complicated weather transition. Rain (and lots of it), gray days ,winds and not enough sunny days . September hasn't been behaving too good. Funny thing is that soon it will be spring in here.

So as you can imagine, finding good light to photograph the food we prepare, cook and eat e veryday in our home, haven't been easy. My best light always comes from around our dinning room and the kitchen, so while preparing this photo sho ot in the dinning room and just after taking a couple of shots.. guess what?!...Yes, you guessed right. Gray clouds + rain! Fortunately didn't last longer and I was able to photograph this salad, that has become one of our favorite salads, lately.

This salad is pretty much the result of one of those parenting, house chores, etc, etc. so I can simplify prep. + cooking time. And while putting together salads can be easy, nourishment to your body hungry + hurry + super busy days, after running everywhere doing diy You know, t hose kind of days that make you even hungrier! And since I know I have plenty of these days, I always keep quinoa cooked and ready to go in the fridge, plus green leaves + collards washed and chopped of the reasons many people think that "salads are boring", but its just the opposite. Salads are the most enjoyable foods what to put into the salads can beco to make and to eat. me challenging sometimes. That's one As well as providing actually salads are one of the best options to go when you're having super busy days, and your body is not quite able to digest heavy foods or foods that are not healthy at all. (which you already know),

So what to do when you're hungry, in a hurry, incredibly busy that would keep you satisfy (such us healthy fats, green leaves and collards, seeds, sprouts), foods that would provide nourishment, energy and would be better for your body to absorb and digest. Here's my but you still want to eat healthy?... Just choose foods that super Healthy in a Hurry vegetarian salad for you!

As always I'd love hearing from you. Any questions just let me know!

Radish + Red Quinoa Potato Salad with Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette and Homemade Croutons /// Hungry + Hurry + Healthy ///

Radish + Red Quinoa Potato Salad with Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette and Homemade Croutons /// Hungry + Hurry + Healthy ///

Radish + Red Quinoa Potato Salad with Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette and Homemade Croutons /// Hungry + Hurry + Healthy ///


3/4 C. Red Quinoa, cooked

2-3 Medium Boiled Potatoes, sliced

1 C. Fresh Spinach Leaves

3-4 Radish, finely sliced (you can also use the radish green leaves)

2 Hard boiled eggs, cut into wedges

Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette

2 C. of a loaf of bread, such us sourdough bread or french baguette or any bread of your liking. Cut into cubes (like in the picture above).

Preheat oven to 176C/ 350F. In a medium-large bowl add olive oil,garlic powder and salt and mix well. Add cubed bread and toss by using your hands. Spread over a baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Now, fresh croutons are ready for the salad!

To make the Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette:

3 tsp. Sumac, or to taste

Fresh juice of 1/2 medium lemon

4 Tbsp.Organic Maple Syrup or Honey

In a small jar, add everything except the olive oil. Mix well. Then add olive oil to the jar and shake until well blended. Now the vinaigrette is ready!

Now, putting everything together / layer by layer:

In a serving dish pour red quinoa, then the green leaves, potatoes, slices of radish, eggs and croutons. Pour over the vinaigrette, serve and enjoy!

Radish + Red Quinoa Potato Salad with Sumac + Cumin Vinaigrette and Homemade Croutons /// Hungry + Hurry + Healthy ///

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