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Qura'an Bookmarks

By Alla @SugarnSpiceBlog

Qura'an Bookmarks
Few weeks ago, I saw this interesting blog post from our dear blogger Bahrainipreneur about a young Bahraini graphic designer Hind Al-Ayadhy that designs beautiful Qura'an bookmarks. 
There are a variety of 12 pretty colors, and each bookmark costs BD 1.5. Behind this idea is a thoughtful cause; all the proceeds will be donated to the social campaign known as the (Child's Wish) to provide kids with Eid's new clothings and needs.Qura'an BookmarksMy order =D 
Qura'an Bookmarks
Qura'an Bookmarks
For more details and to place your orders: 
Email: [email protected]: 00973 33938932

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