One of the joys (I mean this) of living in the world's most touristy city is that you see people from all over the world every day. As someone who spent her childhood longing to travel and see the world, I love this. I thought I would share with you one day in the life of my Paris. See if you can guess where these people are from. In most cases, I can't be sure myself, but I/one can make an educated guess. "Answers" at the bottom of the page. This is meant to be lighthearted; if anyone wants one of the images removed, just let me know. I have tried to keep everyone anonymous.
Paris waiters have to do this every time they try to decide what language to speak to their customers!
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21. Bonus question! ________________
1. Clues: Dressed in dark clothes. Skirt below knee, flat designer shoes, stockings. Small clip-on earrings. Dark quilted jacket. Wearing purse slung across shoulder. Has been to a museum. Man in dark jacket.
Best guess: suburban French; possibly German, Dutch, or Scandinavian tourists.
2. Clues: Stylish veil coordinated with clothes. White jeans. Man looks wears locally stylish shirt.
Best guess: Parisian.
3. Clues: Light brown skin. Fashionable scarf and jewelry. Meeting a friend at cafe.
Best guess: African-American expat.
4. Clues: Hoodie, very pale skin, baseball cap, track suit shorts, very short haircut, has been to FNAC the big media store.
Best guess: British or Irish tourist.
5. Clues: Map, stylish high heels, long hair
Best guess: Spanish tourists
6. Clues: Spotted near Assemblée Nationale. Képi.
Best guess: French officer.
7. Clues: Bare legs, espadrilles, leather jacket, above-the-knee skirt, tan.
Best guess: Parisian local.
8. Clues: Baseball hats, khaki pants, tucked-in polo shirt, backpack, big white sneakers.
Best guess: American tourists.
9. Clues: Longchamp bag, no socks, scarf.
Best guess: Parisian.
10. Clues: Buzz haircut, big camera, smile.
Best guess: Chinese tourist.
11. Clues: Khaki pants, button-down shirt, pack of Marlboros.
Best guess: American expat, recently arrived, plans to write.
12. Clues: Man-bags slung across chest, long black hair, stylishly casual in coordinated sneakers
Best guess: South American tourists.
13. Clues: Extremely tall and dark, very well dressed, determined stride
Best guess: African diplomat from somewhere near Sudan, stationed in Paris.
14. Clues: Dressed all in black with tied-back hair and black coat
Best guess: Parisian, coming home from work after a stop at the store.
15. Clues: Map and guidebook, designer bags, dressed for comfort.
Best guess: Chinese tourists.
16. Clues: Vélib' public bicycle, high heels and stylish coat; man in rus in urbe jacket, rather dressed up even though it's not a work outfit
Best guess: Parisians. She may work in fashion.
17. Clues: Waiting for the bus at 18h with a briefcase and book. Shined shoes.
Best guess: Parisian.
18. Clues: Bourgeois bus, backwards baseball cap, rock band t-shirts, earphones, grumpy and silent.
Best guess: Parisian lycée rebels.
19. Clues: Walking along quai near Pont Alexandre III, wearing baseball cap, nylon t-shirt, sports jacket, long dark pants. Woman in jeans and white high heels.
Best guess: Eastern European tourists.
20. Clues: Not dressed for work but still wearing collared shirts. Jeans with black dress shoes. Man on right: baggy pants, dark baseball-style jacket with no logo.
Best guess: Parisians now but grew up in the provinces.
21. Clues: Motorcycle, entering long line of cars trying to merge right for a tunnel, from the right.
Best guess: Parisian!