Food & Drink Magazine

Quick Sweets: British Cinder Toffee Recipe!

By Pepper Bento

You might have guessed by now that I have quite the sweet tooth.

I have to say it does give me the slight feeling of concern and guilt pouring massive amounts of sugar into things but hey….I’ll live with that!

If I’m honest, I made this Cinder Toffee so it could be eaten whenever something sweet was fancied and because it would last a while but………two batches kind of got eaten within a couple of days..whoops.

Cinder Toffee L

If it lasted long enough it would have been delicious sprinkled over ice cream.

The tins I used are some I found in a biscuit aisle and fell in love with.
I have to say I have a thing for tins and these had Celtic and thistle designs all in one, two of my favourites!

The shortbread that was in the tins was equally as beautiful and it almost felt like a shame to eat it!

Highland Shortbread

Back to the toffee!

This toffee is really easy and quick to do, you won’t need to nurse and moniter a thermometer for the perfect temperature or worry about the soft ball stage, hard ball stage and all of that sciency stuff!

One thing that is insisted upon for safety purposes though is using a large saucepan.
This recipe calls for mixing bicarbonate of soda into scolding sugar so you can guess what may happen without a high pan.
Don’t worry though, it is perfectly safe in a large pan and doesn’t come close to going over the edges of the pan if you cook one batch at a time.

Essentially, if you’ve ever eaten a “Crunchie” bar, you will know exactly what this toffee will taste like.
If you dip yours in chocolate you can have your very own Crunchies!

Alternatively, if you don’t let this toffee fully dry and use a rip and smash method on it, it takes on a delicious chewy texture which you might even prefer, do experiment!!

Cinder Toffee CU

Cinder Toffee
Serves 2-4


100g caster sugar
4 tablespoons golden syrup
1 1/2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda


Take a baking tray, line it with baking paper and set close to the pan.

Measure the bicarb into a small pot and set close to the pan.

Weigh the sugar and golden syrup into a deep saucepan.

On a medium heat, watch the sugar and syrup melt, DO NOT STIR.

Swirl the pan if sugar or syrup needs to be distributed evenly and watch it until it bubbles, everything has melted and it has become golden brown.

When this happens, take a whisk and whisk in the bicarbonate of soda and acting very fast,  pour it onto the baking paper on the tray.

Let it fall naturally, it will create an imperfect looking blob but it will have a lovely thickness!

Leave the mixture to dry and then smash and snap the toffee into pieces!

Serve, optionally coating with melted chocolate first then place in a tin lined with baking paper for storage!

Cinder Toffee

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