1) Do you like blue cheese? Only in soups or quiches ... on it's own it's just yuk!!
2) Have you ever smoked? Yes, from being pretty young until I was 27 and pregnant ... doing it for my baby made it easy to give up.
3) Do you own a gun? Lovely Hubby owns a high powered air rifle and I'm a crack shot with it ... you tell me what to hit and I'll hit it :-)
4) What flavor of Kool Aid is your favorite? I have never tried this .... I don't think I want to!!
5) Do you get nervous before dental appointments? Not as much as I used to :-)
6) What do you think of hot dogs? As furry bodies snoring in front of the fire they are lovely and I wouldn't be without any of them ... as an edible foodstuff, very questionable!!
7) What's your favorite Christmas movie? Scrooge, in all it's formats ... EXCEPT the Muppet version.
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee.
9) Can you do push-ups? Yes, how many would you like ...... please don't ask for more than 10 :-)
10) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My four rings, wedding, engagement, little silver one and inherited gold one from my friend. They never leave my fingers.
11) What's your favorite hobby? Reading ..... books. magazines, brochures ... if it's written I will read it.
12) Do you have A.D.D.? Only if you are droning on and on and on ...... I'm quick on the uptake, I need to be told things once clearly and concisely and I will never forget, if you go on and on and on I zone out completely.
13) Do you wear glasses or contacts? I had my eyes lasered years ago, so only for close work now.
14) What's your middle name? I don't have one.
15) What are your thoughts at this moment? I'm wondering why I am actually answering these questions!
16) Name 3 drinks you regularly consume. Coffee, water and white wine .... hic ;-)
17) What is a current worry of yours? The amount of racism that is becoming evident in this country due to recent events.
18) What do you currently hate? Racism.
19) Where is your favorite place to be? Six Arches Caravan Site in Scorton.
20) What do you plan on doing on New Year's Eve this year? Watching films on television at home with wine and nibbles, and then bed just after midnight. In my opinion the best way to celebrate the end of an old year and wake refreshed to a lovely new one.
21) To where would you like to travel? Right round the UK coastline and then zig zag through the center.
22) Name three people you think will do this questionnaire on their
blog. I have no idea, lots of blogging buddies have done this already. If you haven't and fancy doing it let me know ... I would love to read YOUR answers.
23) Do you own slippers? Yes, we always wear either slippers or Crocs indoors depending on how cold our feet are.
24) What color shirt are you wearing? Blue, red and cream check .... I love shirts, I live in shirts and jeans :-)
25) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I've never tried .... although I once slept on nylon sheets.
I gather electricity easily and I have fine hair and .... it was very long at the time, by morning the amount of static I had generated was amazing, by morning I had a pale brown afro a foot high!!
26) Can you whistle? Yes, except when I need to ... then I dry up ... it's frustrating at times
27) What is your favorite color? Green, green and green, did I mention I love green. The color of nature, of life and of calmness. I love it.
28) What songs do you sing in the shower? I'm not in there long enough to even think of a song, and anyway I try not to sing out loud ... I have a dreadful singing voice :-(
29) Would you be a pirate?
Yes, if I could wear an eye patch and say 'arr Jim lad' regularly ;-)
30) What's in your pocket right now? A poo bag (empty) and a bit of fluff ... where does all the fluff come from?
31) What's the last thing that made you laugh? I laugh frequently ..... it's usually the dogs antics. Laughter in your day is what makes life worth living. If there's nothing funny happening look in the mirror and pull faces ... it makes me smile anyway ;-)
32) What vehicle do you drive? A white Fiat 500
33) What's the worst injury you've ever had? I cut my ankle falling over on some rocks, you could see the bone ... YUK!!
34) Do you love where you live? No ... I like it, but I don't love it.
35) Would you change your first name if you could? No, I love being called Sue. BUT I HATE being called Susan so I guess in a way I have already changed it. I find it very upsetting if someone calls me Susan after being corrected more than once.
Well then that's those questions answered ... do you fancy having a go? :-)
*** *** ***
Reverse Advent - Day 16
A jar I got from a car boot sale.
Sue xx