Philosophy Magazine

Queensland: PhD Position in Philosophy of Physics

By Wuthrich

The School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry at the University of Queensland invites applications for a PhD position in philosophy of physics.

The position is funded by the Australian Research Council and is associated with the project “A philosophical exploration of simulating and controlling the quantum world”. While applicants must have a BA with a major in philosophy, an additional BSc with a major in physics will be looked upon favourably. Applications are welcome from anybody with an Honours (or equivalent – e.g. Masters) in either of philosophy or physics (and preferably the philosophy of science and/or physics).

To apply, please provide the following by email by 17 November 2017, to An academic CV; a short (no more than 2 page) cover letter demonstrating the relevance of the applicant’s research experience; a 500 word research proposal detailing the research question and significance of the project that you would like to undertake for your PhD project; and names and contact details for two referees.

Successful applicants receive a tax-free stipend of AUD$26,682 p.a. indexed annually. This is available for three years. Start date: January 2018.

Further information on the position, the project and the application process can be found at For enquiries, please contact Dr Peter Evans (


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