The one in news is ‘Nelly ~ the elephant’ …… it is no rookie! After predicting 30 of 33 results correctly from the women's FIFA World Cup in 2006, the men's FIFA World Cup in 2010 and the Euro 2012, Nelly seems to be nothing short of a football 'pundit.' To add to her credibility, Nelly has a former Germany national goalkeeper, Sepp Maier, taking her side in her predictions. This elephant is based at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Germany. Her projections have been welcomed by the German national team with ex-Germany goalkeeper, Sepp Maier agreeing with the predictions of the elephants through he kicks of the ball in the posts. Nelly rightly predicted Bayern Munich’s victory over German rivals Borussia Dortmund in the final of the 2013 UEFA Champions League in 2013.

13th June 2014.