Hi All,
As it's Lupus Awareness month I am coming to you with a request and a challenge. In case you don't know, the recognised charity color for lupus is purple, so I have wanted to utilise this color and come up with a fun way to raise awareness and much needed money for Lupus UK! I have done the charity sponsored things before so I wanted to do something a little different and a little fun....we all could use a giggle at the end of the day. I also wanted to do something that would penetrate social channels too.........well who doesn't love a bit of Facebook humiliation.
So here is what I have come up with and I need all of your help to bring it to life!
#PurpleFuzz fun!
So here is what I am proposing and I have started it all off today! I am challenging everyone to donne some purple hair this month.......don't worry it can be a wig....and take a selfie to be displayed across your social channels.
Now, this can be any hair on any part of the body as Lupus affects the entire body....but let's keep it clean people!! Although a merkin would be very amusing. Once you have uploaded your picture, tag in and nominate your friends to do the same using the #PurpleFuzz and donating to my just giving page where all the money goes directly to Lupus UK!
That is it. Let's see how many people we can reach! oh and don't forget you can upload your photos to the Wolf and Me's Facebook page also!
Love Cass xx