I would like to draw your attention to the following public talk, which is organized by the “service de communication” of the University of Geneva, with the support of the Geneva Symmetry Group (https://genevasymmetrygroup.wordpress.com/):
Thursday, 17 May 2018, 18h30, Uni Dufour (room will be advertised):
Fay Dowker, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Imperial College London:
Past, Present and Future: The Science of Time
(The talk will be in English, with simultaneous translation into French.)
(Dedicated to the memory of Professor Stephen Hawking)
Opening of the conference by Professor Christian Wüthrich, Geneva Symmetry Group, Department of Philosophy, Geneva
For more information (with an abstract in English), please visit https://www.unige.ch/public/actualites/2018/la-science-du-temps/