September is the national awareness month for gynecological cancers, and ovarian cancer is usually the most stand out cancer associated with this month an is represented by the Teal Ribbon. Black Women Stand Up continues its Cancer Awareness Initiative focused on GYN & Breast Cancers. Our Love Your Va-Jay-Jay Day Initiative was started this past April on the 10th of the month, where we bring attention to GYN/Breast cancers with a focus on Uterine Cancer, encouraging women to #CheckUpOnIt.
September is right around the six month mark from April so we urge women to continue to be proactive with regards to their health. Remember early detection is the key.
Ladies we encourage you to #CheckUpOnIt and stay healthy!
GYN Cancers Overview below with each representative ribbon color.
Please share with your networks, sharing is caring and can help save a life.
Peace and Love.
#BWSU Family