Gaming Magazine

PS4 1.7: DualShock 4 Battery Life Increase by Dimming the Light Measured for All Settings

Posted on the 04 May 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii
PS4 1.7: DualShock 4 Battery Life Increase by Dimming the Light Measured for All Settings
The ability to dim the light bar on the Dualshock came with the latest firmware, and thanks to Dualshockers, we now have some pretty accurate measures as to how long each battery will last with a full charge.
  • On “Bright” setting, the controller ran from 8:48 PM to 7:47 AM the morning after, clocking 10 hours and 59 minutes of battery life.
  • On “Medium” setting, the controller started its work at 5:25 PM and ran out of juice at 5:25 AM, for a total battery life of 11 hours and 42 minutes. 50 Minutes longer than the “Bright” setting.
  • On “Dim” Settin it ran from 9:41 AM to 10:02 PM, clocking 12 hours and 21 minutes of battery life. 81 minutes longer than the “Bright” setting.
As it turns out, the new dimming feature doesn't really change all that much, but it does give you some extra juice if you crave it.  

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