Back in the middle of June, I had written about my pruning experiment with my three Sneezeweed plants. I was closely following the advice of the legendary "plantswoman" Tracy DiSabato-Aust by pruning back in June for size control.
Today, I will give you an update on all three plants as I know you all have been anxiously awaiting the results.
Sneezeweed #1 - cut back by 1/2 in June as seen below:
And how it looks today:
Blooming has clearly been delayed and so far so good on how it is holding up and not flopping.
Of course, the real test is once the blooms explode in the next few weeks.
**Quick note: Please ignore the ugly legs on this one; they are actually covered by another plant but you cannot tell by this photo. Pinky swear.
Sneezeweed #2 - This one was pruned back in June naturally by some creature one night, so I left it alone as is. Ultimately, it was at the same size as #1 after it was pruned:
And how friggin wonderful it looks today:
This one clearly bloomed earlier than #1 and immediately collapsed under all of it's bloomage. On the surface, this makes no sense when compared to #1.
But after some detective work, the roots of this one were inundated with water and it was more exposed to the huge rains and winds we've had the past few weeks.
This one will be relocated in the near future.
Sneezeweed #3 - This one was left untouched back in June with the thought being it would be sufficiently supported by its neighboring plants:
So far so good, as the blooms have appeared and it is still standing at attention:
As the blooms continue to multiply we'll see if it still remains upright. Fingers are double crossed.
I'll hold off on the final analysis for a few more weeks as this situation is still fluid.
Until then ...
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