Well hello there, and welcome to part three of my beyond riveting "Prune in June" series. Prepare yourself for some more hardcore pruning experimentation. Good times.
Previously, we covered Boltonia (False aster) and Eupatorium (Joe Pye Weed) and today, we will take a look at Helenium autumnale, also known as Sneezeweed:
I love this native perennial as it has bloomed profusely for me for years at the end of summer and into early fall. BUT (and this is a big but) they almost always topple over once they are in full bloom, which makes them a bit difficult to truly enjoy:
I've known for years that these plants need to be cut back or pruned throughout the growing season to attempt to control the height and ultimately prevent them from falling over. Tracy DiSabato-Aust told me so, but for reasons unknown, I've never heeded that advice.
Because I'm dumb.
But no more my friends.
Here's what one of my sneezeweed plants looked like pre-haircut:
And here is the same plant cut down by half:
Ms. DiSabato-Aust suggests cutting back sneezeweed by a 1/2 to 2/3 in mid-June so I did just that.
Other options are to cut the plants back to 12 inches in mid-July which results in plants half their normal size and a delay in bloom of about six weeks. I'm considering this option on another sneezeweed plant so more to come on that.
Also, plants that were previously pruned for height control can have 4 to 6 inches cut off the tips when in bud to delay flowering by a week or two. I'll have to think about doing this as well but most likely, I'll chicken out ... we'll see.
For contrasting purposes, here is another sneezeweed that was "deer pruned" a few weeks ago so I am going to leave it as is to see if the more drastic pruning provides better results. Those deer are just so great with all their helpful pruning:
And just because I am a good guy and want nothing more than to educate you, here is an unpruned plant that will remain unpruned. It does get some support from surrounding plants but most likely, it will fall as it usually does. But that's OK, I am willing to sacrifice for the greater good:
So there you have it, another pruning adventure out in my garden. I am sure you are all dying to see the results and I will give you those results along the way.
Because I care about my readers.
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