Relationships Magazine

Proverbs Minute:Fearing God & True Repentance

By Themilkaint4free @prospermuch

A Proverbs Minute:  Proverbs 15 Reflection

So much wisdom for life is in Proverbs 15, I am meditating right now on Proverbs 15:33.
"Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord,
and humility comes before honor."
When we fear the Lord, we cleave to His every word asking the Holy Spirit to help us walk it out. "If you love me, you will obey me" said the Lord Jesus (Yeshua). If we stumble or even fall, we are quick to Repent. Repentance isn't saying "I'm sorry".  It is so much more than that.
Repentance is changing your mind from the ways of darkness to God's light which manifest as a New Behavior showing the fruits of Christ. 

Person A lies on Person B. Then feels guilty and bursts out to the Lord "I'm sorry" but never apologizes or confess to those he or she lied to that it was a lie to make things right (This is not repentance).
Person A lies on Person B. Then feels guilty and cries out to God to help them be a better person. Person A apologizes to Person B and makes things right by telling the other persons that she lied about Person B and ask for their forgiveness too. Person A even asks a Mature Believer (Person C) if they would help them to grow in their spiritual maturity. Now this is REPENTANCE that will bear much fruit!
OUR HEART'S CRY: Help us Jesus to have a humble spirit that yearns to please you above all else!!! We love you Lord Jesus!!!!

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